Employing a Carer

Employing a carer can feel overwhelming due to all the variations of employment statuses and contract types.

In employment law, a person’s employment status and the type of employment contract they have helps determine their rights and their employer’s responsibilities. The main types of employment statuses for carers are employee and self-employed and the main types of employment contracts provided are full-time and part-time. Learn more about these below.

Employment Status Types


Self-employed carers have more flexibility as they can choose their own rates, hours, and which clients they work with. Self-employed carers are responsible for their own tax and national insurance and are responsible for their own pension.


An employed carer will have a contract of employment with their employer, they will receive payslips and have their tax & national insurance paid automatically via PAYE. Their employer will also pay contributions, if the carer is eligible, to the carer’s pension pot.

Employment Contract Types

Full Time

A full time carer is someone who works at least 35 hours a week.


The average hours for a part-time worker in the UK is 25 hours per week, according to Gov.uk, anything under 35 hours is classified as part-time.

For full advice on contracts of employment and working hours visit Gov.uk.

Now you know which carer is right for you, it may be time to consider how you will pay your home carer.

Stafftax has over 20 years experience and can make your employment responsibilities easy.

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